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Donation Fee Disclaimer:
You can either choose to cover the transaction fees from our donation payment processor, ensuring the full amount reaches CBIS, or opt out, with a portion of your donation used to cover the fees. Your decision significantly impacts how we allocate your contribution. Thank you for your support.
You can either choose to cover the transaction fees from our donation payment processor, ensuring the full amount reaches CBIS, or opt out, with a portion of your donation used to cover the fees. Your decision significantly impacts how we allocate your contribution. Thank you for your support.
Donate Your TimeVolunteering to pitch in and support our programs can be a fulfilling and rewarding activity. You can volunteer for just an hour or two, or you can dedicate some time into really getting to know us and our clients by volunteering regularly. Life has a way of rewarding those who give freely of themselves, and we would love to have you, and share in that rewarding experience with you.
Donate Program AttendanceSome of the programs at CBIS are free to members, others are greatly cost reduced to members, but even so, still some members struggle to commit at the level they would like, and sometimes even a reduced cost can be too much of a barrier. You can donate any amount of money you like and it will go to support those members reaching the level of activity that works best for them, regardless of financial situation.
Donate MembershipsMany of our clients are not members of the Society as a not-for-profit organization, but want to be. You could make a membership donation, as many as you like, and they will be gifted to new and returning members who may need some extra support to afford the cost and encourage their attendance at regular meetings.
Donate to Support the Work We DoAlso an option! Just share the love, support the work we do here by giving generously, ensuring we are able to continue providing free and low cost support and programs for the estimated 3,700 people in the Cowichan Valley living with an Acquired Brain Injury. Support our current client list of over 100 families with brain injury survivors, and our 65 strong voting and active membership, and encourage those who are not members yet, to get active and get results!